Pioneers in the name of betterment


From Ravensburg out into the world

The world is growing closer. At the same time, the challenges of keeping abreast of changes and at the top of the game when it comes to protecting inventions are becoming ever greater. At Ravenspat we offer you our reassuring support, attentive strategies, tried-and-tested procedures, and thorough preparation to make our cooperation work in the long term. That has been our principle since 1974. Because we want our clients in Germany, Europe, Japan, China, and the U.S. to be a decisive step ahead when it comes to registering and enforcing their intellectual property rights.

Our law firm then and now


Law firm is founded by patent attorney Dipl. Ing. Eberhard Eisele at Seestrasse 57 in Ravensburg


Established as a patent law firm by patent attorneys Dipl. Ing. Eberhard Eisele and Dr. Ing. Herbert Otten

Move to new offices in Seestrasse 42 in Ravensburg. Ongoing expansion of back office


Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Roth joins the partnership at Eisele, Otten & Roth as an associate patent attorney

Dez. 1997

Senior associate Eberhard Eisele retires


Dr. Ing. Markus Dobler joins the partnership at Eisele, Otten, Roth & Dobler as an associate

Okt. 1998

Move to new office building in Karlstrasse 8 in Ravensburg. The first patent professionals are employed and the back office enlarged


Move to new offices in Grosstobeler Strasse in Berg/Ravensburg

Okt. 2008

Move to new offices in Grosstobeler Strasse in Berg/Ravensburg


Name change:
Eisele, Otten, Roth & Dobler becomes Otten, Roth, Dobler & Partner mbB Patentanwälte


Dr. rer. nat. Aalexander André joins the partnership at Otten, Roth, Dobler & Partner as an associate patent attorney

Dez. 2014

Senior partner
Dr.-Ing. Herbert Otten retires


Patent attorneys Otten and Dr. Dobler take over teaching assignments on intellectual property law at Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences and at the University of Konstanz from Dr. Otten


Dual training course for patent law clerks commences (in the firm’s offices)


Office space expanded for employees and administration


Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Mangler joins the partnership at Otten, Roth, Dobler & Partner mbB Patentanwälte


A springboard and driver of innovation

We offer a full service – that has been our aspiration from the very beginning. Because we know that many great ideas are left unsaid or hidden in desk drawers, and only come to light when it’s too late. Or they get into the wrong hands. That’s why we smooth the way, dig deeper, and follow things through to the end. Because we are not just patent and trademark attorneys, we are also enthusiastic about technology. We recognize early on what path an innovative spirit will take.

Promoting pioneering spirit and supporting innovation

Changing times are often a driving force for new ideas, as recent events have shown. We embrace innovation and thrive on state-of-the art technologies. Because we are as passionate about excellence as our clients are. Renewable energy and energy technology, fuel cell and hydrogen cell technology, e-mobility and charging stations, robotics, optics, image processing and imaging technology, digital and mobile communication, data transmission systems, sensor technology or solid state physics – these are just some of the topics we deal with in our work.

From the code of law to a vision

Protecting your innovation is our main concern. We want your idea to survive, and for your company to take the leap into the future. Creativity and commitment are motivations we share. That also includes systematically registering patents: A patent strategy and a sustainable portfolio will help you to position yourself successfully against the competition. Our partners support you with their expertise and with empathy, and are driven by the same constant thirst to discover and understand new things.